(written by Sunny)
After Lindsie was home from the hospital and things felt a little more settled it was time to get organized for real. If the previous week had taught us anything it was that getting through rough patches takes a village, and an organized village at that. Josh called a meeting of the FriendsLikeFamily and we portioned out areas of work. Lindsie listened from her bedroom, but all she could hear was a lot of insane laughter because anytime we get together we will always waste way more time laughing than we will spend actually accomplishing anything.
After we got around to discussing what felt most important to get under control, we decided the following:
Jenni- Set up an online meal calendar so friends and neighbors who don't have access to our church calendar can sign up too. Plus, friends and family far away can sign up to have a meal delivered. She will also help Josh with some simple healthy recipes he can make for their family because he wants to make good nutrition a focus of Lindsie's care.
Mardie- Set up and manage the blog. Help Ava with her music practice and take her to music class when needed. Watch Vivi and Dex as needed.
Dr. Steve- Steve has Tuesdays free so he is the default Tuesday babysitter. He is so excited to take Vivi and Dex on adventures. His first day on the job he also had to take Ava to an appointment...where she promptly vomited all over herself and the floor. He spent the rest of the day doctoring her back to health.
Krista- Help Josh organize medical bills and insurance claims. Also, get all up in the grill of the insurance company when they deny claims. Go Krista!
Matt- Fund raising
Julia- Family calendaring and organization. She keeps the big wall calendar updated and schedules childcare/rides as needed. It's her job to know where everybody is and where they have to be when Lindsie and Josh can't be the ones doing it.
Amber- Preschool pickup and drop off as needed. Laundry and other jobs as needed. Also, surviving her last month of pregnancy. We didn't give Amber a long term job for now because this chick is going to need some serious looking after of her own in a few weeks and we can't wait to take care of her and that new baby girl!
Sunny- Medical mumbo jumbo and blog keeper upper until I can convince Lindsie to take it over. Which might be sooner than expected once she sees that mess I made trying to explain her days in the hospital. Fingers crossed!
The nice thing about this plan is that we can pull back as much of it as we need to when Lindsie and Josh can handle the day to day on their own, but if we hit another rough patch we have the scaffolding in place to be able fill in where we have to and hopefully function as a well-oiled machine.
Up until this point we had been handling everything except meals "in house", meaning our group did all the child care, errands, etc. Things were just too chaotic day to day to try to involve many other people. The ward has been bringing meals, which was awesome, but we also know they along with other people want to do more. Now that things are settling into a more manageable routine and everybody knows their job we can start scheduling other people to step in as needed. It is amazing to see the amount of people who want to help Lindsie and Josh in any way they can. They are so, so loved.
You guys are so awesome... What an incredible group to be a part of... Lindsie is so blessed to have you all!
ReplyDeleteKevin and I can do any, moving, fixing, mowing, etc. I will check in with you! You All are an awesome Village!! God Bless!!