Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Calling Dr. Getz

(written by Sunny)

Let's back it up a bit to the afternoon (Feb. 19th) Dr. Getz gave Lindsie the news about her cancer being stage IV. Lindsie knew it was important to take notes because she probably wouldn't remember much from the phone call. When I showed up that day she was so excited to show me the notes she had typed on her computer during the phone call:

stage IV, spine

That was it. In its entirety. Bahahahahaha! That right there is what we call shock, people. She had actually remembered a fair amount of what Dr. Getz had said, but some of it was a little twisted or confused and understandably so. I left a message for Dr. Getz's nurse and within 20 minutes Dr. Getz called me personally to answer questions because that is the kind of person he is. He truly cares about the people he treats. So, to keep my promise of being technical and boring here are the notes from my phone call with Dr. Getz on the day of diagnosis:

• The cancer was found in the spine, both femurs, the pelvis, right scapula, left clavicle (and other sites he did not list at that time).
• No cancer in soft tissues or organs such as liver, lungs, etc. This is a good indicator for prognosis.
• More lymph nodes may possibly be affected. 
• The cancer is a stage IV because it has metastasized to the bones. All stage IV's are not created equal. The staging has more to do with where the cancer has gone than how treatable it is. 
• This cancer spread through the blood, but it is not a blood cancer. It is breast cancer in the
• The cancer being in the bones turns the goal from cure (the original treatment plan outcome)
to remission. Cure is not possible because all affected areas cannot be surgically removed (as with mastectomy). Remission is possible because all the cells can be killed or stopped from progressing.
• Treatment will focus on managing symptoms to maintain quality of life. 
• Radiation may be used for pain management. Some tumors cause pain and these can usually
be effectively shrunk through radiation, thus reducing pain. 
• Tamoxifen or other hormone blocking drug will be needed as a lifelong measure instead of the
originally planned 5 year window. 
• Lastly, and most importantly, he was emphatic that Lindsie should now more than ever go to
Disneyland before treatment started.

Dr. Getz took a long time answering all of my questions and then got on the phone with Josh. Our bishop, who is a surgeon, was there and it was helpful to review my phone conversation with him as he could further explain parts I was lacking. It was a lot for everyone to take in, but I think understanding a little better what Lindsie was actually dealing with helped everybody feel a little less shellshocked.
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